Also in 2020 Metlac Group has decided to support FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano (Italian Heritage Trust) by subscribing to the corporate membership programme Corporate Golden Donor.
With FAI Metlac Group wants to fulfil a great project of protection, which is also an ambitious cultural challenge: make Italy the most beautiful place to live in, work and raise our children. The Italian environmental and cultural assets, which FAI preserves and promotes, represent an unparalleled wealth and a fundamental resource to invest in to restore, develop and promote our wonderful Country. Thanks to the support of its many members and donors, both individual and corporate, since its founding more than 40 years ago, FAI preserves and manages 58 assets in Italy. Important historical, artistic and natural sites have been saved from negligence, restored, protected and opened to the public.
Every day FAI endeavours to safeguard and allow everybody to have access to magnificent art treasures and natural beauties scattered in the countryside, in the towns and along the coasts of Italy. FAI also commits to educating and spreading awareness, respect of and care for art and nature, and to reflecting the requests of the civilized society by monitoring and taking actions in the territory.
We want a more beautiful and protected Italy.
With FAI we work to build it